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English: skills for learning
English: skills for learning

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3.2 Practice writing introductions

You will now look at another introduction, consider its structure and write its final sentence.

Activity 8

Timing: Allow approximately 15 minutes

Read the following assignment question and the introduction written by Open University student Amina. Again the numbers in brackets refer to the sentence number.

Essay title

Discuss the extent to which a large corporation such as Nike might influence the economic health of a developing country.

Amina’s introduction

[1] Wherever a large corporation such as Nike operates, the scale of its activity will have an effect on the locality. [2] In a developing country, this activity will have a significant influence on the whole economy of the area. [3] Economists explain that there is a clear link between large corporations’ business activities in Asian countries and the subsequent rise in those countries’ standards of living (Sturges, 2000, p. 12). [4] Although multinational corporations’ investment can benefit developing countries, there may also be negative impacts.

Now complete the tasks below. Note your answers in the boxes before comparing them with mine.

Task 1

Answer the following questions:

  1. Which content words are contained in the title?
  2. Which instruction words are contained in the title?
  3. Which sentence states the claim that will be demonstrated by the essay?
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  1. Content words: large corporation; influence; economic health; developing country.
  2. Instruction word: discuss.
  3. The claim is stated in sentence 4.

Task 2

Write what you think could be the last sentence of this introduction. This sentence needs to briefly outline Amina’s essay. Her essay plan contains the following headings:

  • Definition of economy
  • Definition of investment
  • Effect of large organisations (e.g. Nike) on four areas of economic activity
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Amina’s introduction ended with this sentence:

This essay will first define the terms ‘economy’ and ‘investment’ and then explain how much, and in what way, four areas of economic activity may be affected by the business activities of a large corporation.

Task 3

How does Amina’s introduction progress from general points to specific ones?

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Amina’s introduction starts by mentioning the effects of large corporations on local areas in general. It then narrows down by considering developing countries and Asian developing countries. Finally, it states that the essay will focus only on four areas of activity in these developing countries (Figure 10).

Pyramid showing how Amina’s introduction progresses from general information to specific details
Figure 10 Pyramid showing how Amina’s introduction progresses from general information to specific details