2.1.2 Discussing your results

You should have now completed this week’s experiment and be ready to share your findings with your fellow learners.
Activity 2.1 Experiment 3
Post your results and findings in the course forum thread for this activity [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . If you would like to share an image of your experiment, you can do this by photographing or scanning your graph and attaching the photograph file with your forum post.
- Did the water, salt water and oil behave the same way as Janet’s did?
- Did the liquid you chose yourself perform how you expected?
- Can you think of any other substances where the solid state would float on top of the liquid state, like water?
- Why do you think the ice floated, while the frozen oil did not?
Remember, science is often about collaboration – did other learners have broadly similar or vastly different results? Why do you think that might have been?