10 Summary
This week you have deepened your understanding of how to present your best self to the people who can offer you the work in an interview situation. You should feel more confident about how to handle these opportunities and also better prepared for what to expect in different situations. These should all help you to be successful in the future.
This is the culmination of seven weeks of work on understanding your strengths, aspirations and options. Congratulations for reaching this point – it is great achievement. In the next, and final, week of the course, you look back over the work you have done since the start of course, fill in any gaps and to plan for what you will do with your new learning and confidence.
You should now feel that you can:
- explore different types of interview
- consider how to prepare for interviews
- explore question types and how to handle them
- practise answering interview questions
- enhance your confidence in performing well at interview.
You can now go to Week 8 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .