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Succeed in the workplace
Succeed in the workplace

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Week 2: Understanding your skills and abilities


Last week you explored your life experiences, your motivations and some of the practical realities around work options. Hopefully you are beginning to develop ideas about the kind of work you aspire to do or are clearer about how to bring more of yourself and your passions to the fore in work you already do. Knowing what you want, of course, is only part of the challenge. You need to have, or to gain, the knowledge and skills necessary for your work choices, whether they are paid or voluntary. So, this week you’ll consider the knowledge and skills you already have and how you might want to add to these to meet your goals.

As with Week 1, you’ll need your notebook to jot down your thoughts and responses to the activities.

Watch Wendy introduce Week 2:

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By the end of this week, you will be able to:

  • list the knowledge, skills and experience you already have
  • identify which knowledge, skills and experience you want to make the most of
  • understand any changes you might want to make to your knowledge and skills, in order to pursue your aspirations.