7.1 Learning review
No doubt you have discovered for yourself that you can spend as little or as long as you like on reflective activity. The more time you give to it, the deeper your reflections will be, but the important thing is to write down your thoughts so that you can revisit them in the future and add to them if you wish to.
Activity 9 Final learning review
Use these questions to prompt your reflections on your learning over the last eight weeks, but do not limit yourself to these. Aim to think of three questions of your own and write your answers to them too. Write your thoughts in your notebook.
Reflective questions
- What motivated you to begin this course?
- Has your motivation changed at all during the course?
- What have you decided about the kind of work you want to do?
- Has this decision changed over time? If so, why?
- What areas of the course have you found most interesting and useful to you?
- How do you plan to use the areas you found most interesting and useful?
- Which areas of the course did you find least interesting or least useful to you?
- Might any of the less interesting or less useful areas become more valuable to you in the future?
- What are you most proud of having done or achieved over the last seven weeks?
Imagine it is now six months since you completed the course and you are talking to someone who might be able to offer you work. They ask you what you learned from this course. What would you say? (Remember the ‘lift activity’, and the need to make clear the value of your learning to the other person in a short time.)
This activity should have helped you to see how far you have come since the beginning of the course. It may have raised more questions for you but see this as a positive. That means you have more options to explore and work on.
And that’s it – you’ve finished all the activities for the course and should have a notebook full of ideas and thoughts to help you move forward. Well done, you should feel proud of what you've achieved. Remember you can always revisit your notebook at any time to add more thoughts that occur to you. Reflection and learning never stop.