3.4 Summary of Week 3
This week you have submitted a story for review and hopefully received feedback on that story. You may also have given feedback to others. Are there any common aspects that you noted in others’ work and which reviewers noted in your writing?
The process may have felt quite daunting at first but hopefully it will have encouraged you in your own writing and given you confidence in giving feedback. There'll be another opportunity to take part in this peer review process in Week 5.
Next week, you’ll think more about character and developing your plot line. You’ll also explore where to find ideas for stories. You can move on to Week 4 now [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
If studying this week of Start writing fiction has inspired you, take a look at the area specifically created for you to explore more about writing fiction on OpenLearn.