Week 2: Stitching things together
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Marshal Anderson
So far in this course, you've looked at what makes a good talk work. Hopefully, what you've learned so far gave you some confidence in your abilities. This week, we're looking at ways in which you can help listeners stay with you as you deliver a talk. People listening to you live can't pause to reflect. They can't glance back or replay, so they need to know where you are, and what it is you're talking about at each point. This may seem obvious but it isn't always that easy to achieve.
Good speakers use signposting phrases, both to prepare people for what's coming up and to remind them of what's already been said. We'll be looking at those phrases in detail and you'll learn how to identify them and use them. And of course, you'll want to work on your own talk and apply what you've learned to that.
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This week, you will look at how to conclude your talk, as well as the middle part, which will make up the bulk of your talk. You’ll also look at how to connect the parts of your talk together with linking words and phrases.