2.4 Covering all bases
Now you can have a go at preparing for your talk.
Activity 1
The list of headings below is designed to help you prepare for giving a talk. Each main heading is linked to some questions designed to guide you in the process of preparation. Match the headings to the relevant group of questions.
Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.
Mode of delivery
Prepare the presentation
Practise the presentation
Deliver the presentation
Review the presentation
a.Will the talk involve a visual or audio mode of delivery? Will it be live or recorded? What technology will you have available?
b.What strategies might you use to keep calm before the talk? How might you keep a check on the time during the talk?
c.What do you think went well? What might you want to improve next time? What did other people think? How do their views match yours?
d.How will you evaluate the talk you have given? Can you persuade someone to listen to you and give feedback? Will you record yourself and play it back?
e.What are you going to say? How will you introduce the topic? How will you explain the purpose of your talk? How will you explain the background to your talk? How will you organise the talk? What form of notes will you use? What examples will you use to illustrate your points? How might you conclude the talk?
f.Are you giving the talk to inform a group of people? To persuade the audience to support an idea or a plan? To inspire and motivate people? To entertain a group of people?
g.Who will be listening to your talk? What is the benefit to them of listening to it? What do they already know about the subject?
- 1 = f
- 2 = g
- 3 = a
- 4 = e
- 5 = b
- 6 = d
- 7 = c