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The science of nuclear energy
The science of nuclear energy

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3.3.2 Fukushima – health effects three years later

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Three years after the tsunami in Fukushima, the majority of those evacuated are still living in temporary accommodation and unable to return home.

The video states that the ongoing fear of the radiation is leading to more health effects than the radiation. To date, no one has died from the radiation from the nuclear fallout. Only a few of the workers at the Daiichi plant have the possibility of suffering any health effects. In contrast, the earthquake and tsunami took thousands of lives.

Nonetheless, those unable to return home lost everything, their homes, woodlands, fields and farmlands. Many have suffered with their health and are traumatised.

Things will not be able to go back to how they were in Fukushima for many decades. If we want to imagine what Fukushima’s exclusion zone will be like in future it is helpful to look at Chernobyl today, which you’ll do in the next section.