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Returning to STEM
Returning to STEM

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1.1 Why LinkedIn for STEM?

LinkedIn is an effective and popular platform, especially for STEM recruitment, so it is worth getting to know how best to use it to your advantage.

LinkedIn produces an annual list of the most in-demand skills [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , many of which are in technology or other STEM disciplines. The most in demand skills were determined by looking at skills that are most sought after based on six months of data (April to October 2022) from employers, hirers, and job-posters on LinkedIn. It is worth checking these out as it may give you some clues about how to present your own experience to most advantage as well as ideas about where you could need to update your knowledge and skills.

Listen to John, an SSE HR manager, talk about how he uses LinkedIn in his company's recruitment.

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