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Week 4: New ways of working


My father had one job in his lifetime. I will have six jobs in my lifetime. My children will have six jobs at the same time.

Robin Chase, founder of Zipcar

Last week, you looked at trends within STEM industries and the types of careers and job opportunities that are likely to be growing in these fields. This week, you will be exploring the changes that are happening in the way people work and, in particular, reviewing new ways of flexible and agile working that are becoming increasingly possible and widespread. You’ll start by reflecting on what is meant by a career and explore some of the implications of increased flexibility at work, both positive and negative. You’ll then look at different types of flexible and agile working, your legal entitlements; and consider options of working for yourself.

Watch Sue introduce the different ways people work in order to manage their busy lives.

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By the end of this week you should:

  • have reflected on what a career means
  • know more about different types of flexible and agile working
  • thought about the pros and cons of home working
  • understand your legal rights and how to negotiate for what you want
  • know more about the pros and cons of being self-employed.