4.1 Steps to returning
You have seen the flexible arrangements that other returners have put in place to help them manage their return to work. Now have a think about which of the arrangements discussed in this week would suit you best and why. Which would not work for you at all?
In thinking about your preferred working method you considered the constraints you have to work within. Next week you will focus in particular on how to manage your time. To prepare for next week, complete Activity 3, which will help you to take a serious look at how you are currently spending your time.
Activity 3 Mapping your time
Over the course of a week (or over the course of a typical weekday and weekend day) make a note of how much time you spent each day on the various activities listed below.
- sleep
- commuting
- work
- education/training/research
- care for dependents
- health and fitness
- leisure and socialising
- family commitments
- chores
Keep your notes for use next week. This ‘time diary’ will be useful in making decisions about what changes you can fit into your life.