5 End-of-course guide and round-up

Over the past eight weeks you have learned about different types of cyber security threats and techniques that can be used to counter them. You should now have a grasp of cyber security concepts such as confidentiality, integrity and availability as well as understanding the basics of cryptography, network security and security risk management.
Use the below as a checklist to see how your practices have changed since taking this course.
- When you start your computer, do you need to use a password to log in?
- When you leave your computer for a break, does it require you to enter a password before you can start working again?
- Do you keep your passwords for your computer in your head?
- Do you keep passwords for logging on to banking websites and social media in an encrypted folder or encrypted password manager?
- Do you use a separate unique strong password on each website?
- Do you use antivirus software on your computer?
- Do you regularly update the software you use?
- Do you use a firewall on your router or on your computer to protect you from attackers?
- Do you have backups of your important data stored somewhere other than your computer (such as on another disk drive, computer or in the cloud)?
If you would like to find out more about any of the topics covered in the course we have created an area specifically for exploring more about cyber security on OpenLearn [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .