8 Summary
The main learning points from this session are:
- Increased knowledge of the different teenage growth rates over time and the possible impact of the relative age effect on selection and progress. This included details of how players born later can eventually thrive through learning important coping strategies.
- A realisation that the brain continues to evolve into the early 20s. This has implications for self-control and decision-making/judgement.
- Those guiding teenagers can support their work by exploring self-control, confidence and emotion in greater depth.
- Teenage behaviour often responds to models of significant others such as parents, teachers and coaches but the most powerful impact is likely to be from peer role models.
In the next session, you will be turning your attention to coaches. We are lucky to have behind the scenes interviews with three national coaches: one is from Sweden, another is from the USA and a third is from Germany. This brings an international flavour to the course and with examples from rowing, football and swimming, you will see some interesting comparisons as to why coaches in different sports are effective.
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