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Exploring sport coaching and psychology
Exploring sport coaching and psychology

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2 Recovering from intense exercise

Recovery from exercise is a very good example of an area in which rapid gains in technology and understanding have been made since 2010.

Activity 2 Recovery: the new frontier?

Timing: Allow about 15 minutes

Watch the following video , in which Michael Johnson hears from physiologists and trainers about developments in this field. What, if anything, surprised you in this video?

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Recovery: the next frontier in sporting progress?
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Did the potential link between recovery and genetic responses or gene ‘switches’ surprise you as an example of the detailed research in this field? Or perhaps the visual image of someone stepping out of a dry ice cryogenic chamber (–100 °C and lower) made you realise how specialised the field is becoming?

The statement implying that the placebo effect might be important was perhaps surprising, ‘if an athlete thinks something is working … it is working’. The same contributor also stated that with such rapid advances, if they wait for things to be proven scientifically, then they can be behind the curve of meeting athletes’ and coaches’ needs.

The how the body works theme, including recovery, has benefited from equipment/devices becoming more available; however, some of the equipment is costly (e.g. ice cryogenic chamber), so is not yet accessible to all.