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Exploring sport coaching and psychology
Exploring sport coaching and psychology

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6 Summary

Congratulations – you have reached the halfway point of the course.

The main learning points from this session are:

  • The common themes in the coaching approaches of the three coaches were how they encouraged athletes to take responsibility and make their own decisions. The terms ‘athlete problem solving’ and ‘empowered’ were used by each coach. McKeever, in particular, spoke about quality training.
  • A traditional style of coaching, in which the coach holds all the knowledge, is increasingly being challenged by research that suggests alternative types of coaching, for example,where there is a more of a balanced partnership between athlete and coach.
  • These coaches don’t just coach technical skills, but also spend a lot of time encouraging appropriate attitudes, beliefs and approaches to learning.

Join us on Facebook

We have created a Facebook page, Succeed at OU sport, fitness and coaching [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , in which you can discuss aspects of the course further.

You can use this space to comment on your experiences so far and respond to any of the other questions from this course. You will benefit by developing your understanding of the topics in the course, and you will be able to ask any questions to our experienced staff – Ben Oakley, Ben Langdown or our team of sports psychologists.

Interacting with others on the course will also allow you to benefit from new online material or opportunities (jobs, training other networks or development events) that others identify and allow you to view perspectives beyond your own sport. In fact, you will probably be able to find the answer to many things connected to sport, fitness or coaching.

When posting remember to introduce yourself by telling others where you are from, your main sporting interests and any plans you have for further study or training.

On this Facebook page, you’ll find opportunities to discuss things like:

  • How can I find out more about sports psychology?
  • I’m interested in working towards being a PE teacher. What are my options?

In the next session, you will explore sports psychology in more detail. There is some very interesting evidence that demonstrates that how you think about learning and sporting performance has an impact on the outcomes.

You can now go to Session 5.