1 Your understanding of autism
In the following activities you will evaluate your own knowledge of autism.
Activity 1 What do you know about autism?
To start with, spend about 10 minutes writing some quick notes summarising your current knowledge and understanding of autism. Maybe you already know quite a bit, or maybe you know very little at all, but you will almost certainly come to this course with some ideas.
Activity 2 How accurate is your current knowledge?
Now take the interactive quiz at this link:
‘What do you know about autism? [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ’
As you work through it, compare your own first ideas about autism with the questions and feedback. Some of the statements are known to be true or false, while for others the answer is uncertain even to the experts. Some information in the quiz is adapted from Roth et al., 2010.
Activity 3 Updating your knowledge
Now revise your notes from Activity 1 in light of the quiz feedback. Keep your updated notes to hand as you read the next section.