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Looking globally: the future of education
Looking globally: the future of education

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Week 5: How will new technologies challenge ideas of education?


A photograph of a car being built in a large factory.
Figure 1

Welcome to Week 5 of Looking globally: the future of education.

During Weeks 3 and 4 you considered what education for a sustainable future might mean by focusing on environmental and demographic issues.

A further challenge to education systems is that of technological change and this section will ask you to look at this issue in more detail. There are, and will be even more, significant technological changes in the world to which society will need to respond: some opportunities allowing more and better communication across the world, but also some challenges as the concept of work and earning a living starts to alter. As you engage with the resources here, think about what their impact will be on the education systems that you are familiar with.

This week will end with a quiz – which is part of the assessment for your badge – on all the ideas that have been discussed in Weeks 3, 4 and 5 in order to help you to be ready for the work on drawing all the ideas together in Week 6.