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Looking globally: the future of education
Looking globally: the future of education

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Aims and activities

In Week 5 you will:

  • reflect on the implications of global technological drivers for the possible purposes of education.

Activities should facilitate understanding of:

  • potential ways in which technologies might impact on society and thus on the purposes of education
  • automation as a key theme related to technological developments.
Week 5 activity planner
1Watch the seven-minute ‘Did you know’ video and consider the reflection points. 45 minutes
2Watch the first couple of minutes of the video Humans need not apply and consider the reflection points. 30 minutes
3Listen to the first five minutes of the BBC radio programme The Public Philosopher. Then find a relevant image to share on OpenStudio.60 minutes
4Read the blog post Creativity vs robots and consider the reflection points for both those providing and receiving education. 45 minutes
5Consider some reflection points about what life would be like without the need for employment. 15 minutes
6Construct a 200 word summary of your notes, then share it on the course forum. Read others’ contributions also. 45 minutes
QuizAnswer ten questions. This will form part of the assessment for the badge.20 minutes