Session 2: Earning money, understanding tax
To start, watch the following video in which Bobby Seagull introduces Session 2, where you investigate earning your own money and paying tax.

As you start to earn an income from part-time or holiday work you’ll want to understand why some of what you earn can be deducted in the form of Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs). What are these, when do you have to pay them and how do you claim back tax if you’ve paid more than you should?
What does the government do with the Income Tax and National Insurance that it raises? As you’ll learn here, a substantial proportion of government spending is on benefits for various groups within the population. Might you be eligible for any benefits?
By the end of this week, you should be able to:
- know about the minimum wage and the other employment rights to which you are entitled
- identify the pros and cons of zero-hour contracts
- understand Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions, and how these are deducted from earnings
- understand Income Tax codes and when to make Income Tax returns
- understand the basics of state benefits, their funding and how means testing works.