1 Talking points
First, watch a video of students at Denbigh School again talking to the Open University’s Will Brambley about the financial problems they face.
Download this video clip.Video player: mmmft_1_video_week3_section2_denbigh.mp4

What kind of help do you think you need? Are there any specific things where you think, this is something I really need to learn about or to know about?
Learning how to pay bills. I just found that whole topic so confusing. Like, there's so many different bills and everything. So yeah.
How to sort out when you've got tax issues, because I recently started a job, and they were charging me tax. And I had no idea that I was being charged a tax rate when I was very clearly under the limit. Things like that, you're just not aware of until it's too late, and then you have to try and claim it back, which is a difficult process.
I also think, like with things where we're getting part time jobs now. Just talking about how things like pay discrepancies, how they can be sorted, because I've had a few incidents in the past with my job where maybe the pay... I'm not getting paid what I should be paid or I'm getting things like that, and maybe we don't have the confidence to speak up about it.
Do you feel secure when you're buying things online, and is there anything that you do to try to make yourself secure? Are there any rules that you have about which sites you use or how you check them or which ways you pay?
I think I usually use more well-known websites like Amazon. And if it's not a well-known website, if there's a green lock thing, because I see it on, yeah, that's how I know when it's safe. So I'm not scared about my bank numbers or something going wrong.
PayPal as well. PayPal's good to use.
Sometimes, some of the websites will sort of prompt you to remember your card details. But I always untick that, because I'm slightly paranoid that someone might be able to use them.
Yeah, I would say I'm particularly, like with sites where... because I'm with Santander. That's my current account. And that always comes up at the end of a transaction. You put in your secure password and everything, but sometimes it just skips that section. So I would say with things like that, that would make me quite paranoid. I would quite like to have that security, at the end of a transaction, knowing that I've completed the purchase and it's legitimate.
I do a lot of my shopping through Easyfundraising, because I'm fundraising for a trip. So this website has the legitimate high street shops. So you have, like supermarkets, to hotels, to train lines, and all that sort of thing. So I know that if I'm shopping through that, I'm not going to go through a site or shop that is not well known and not trusted. So that's a way to make sure of that.
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