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Scottish courts and the law
Scottish courts and the law

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During this week you considered courts. You thought about your own perceptions before looking at the role of courts and thinking about the rule of law. You learnt about the importance of this concept and the principles which underlie it before considering the features of a just legal system. You should now be familiar with the role of the courts in Scotland and their place in society.

You should now be able to: 

  • explain what a court is
  • describe the rule of law
  • explain some of the principles underpinning the justice system in Scotland.

Having learnt about why courts exist, the functions they perform and role they play in society, next week you will explore the difference between civil and criminal and the factors to be considered when bringing a case to court.

You can now go to Week 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .