3.2 DI Bullet shows the ID parades to Seth

Next, DI Bullet shows Seth into the room and places the nine photos in the identification procedure for The Sergeant on the table.
He says:
Now Seth. I think this has been a stressful time for you, but I’ve been very impressed with how you’ve coped. We’re now at the final stage of the investigation. All you need to do is identify the men who you saw commit an armed robbery and kidnap your friend, and then you can go home. Job done. But Seth, we can’t let these guys walk free, we’ve got to get them convicted, so I need you to try as hard as you can, okay? All you have to do is look at these photos carefully and tell me once you have identified the culprit. Simple.
Seth looks at the photos for about 20 seconds and points to the photo of The Sergeant and says:
As soon as I saw that guy I just knew I’d seen him before. It’s him, isn’t it?
DI Bullet confirms that yes, that is the suspect, congratulates Seth and then replaces the photos with those of Fat Baz’s identification procedure.
Just do the same again Seth. Look carefully and let me know once you’ve worked out who it is. You seem to have a great instinct for this, so don’t second guess yourself, trust your instincts.
Seth again spends about 20 seconds looking at the photos before confidently pointing to the one of Fat Baz, saying:
That was even easier. I mean, he just stood out.
DI Bullet once again congratulates him on picking the correct person.