2.1 Work of forensic psychologists

The research you have read about during this course represents just one part of forensic psychology to do with the role of eyewitnesses in a police investigation.
As well as issues to do with eyewitnesses, psychologists also do work of relevance to police investigations by studying detecting deception, interviewing suspects, offender profiling, working with vulnerable witnesses and evaluating forensic science. A great deal of forensic psychology is actually concerned, not with police investigations, but with working with offenders. This includes understanding why people commit crimes, particularly crimes such as sexual and violent offences, working with criminals who have mental health issues and working in prison populations to try and help rehabilitate offenders and avoid recidivism.
In the UK, psychology is supported by The British Psychological Society (BPS).
In the US, psychology is supported by the American Psychological Association (APA).
The BPS and APA, and societies in many other countries, are a great way of discovering psychology, and of finding out about undergraduate and postgraduate courses in psychology.