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Understanding mental capacity
Understanding mental capacity

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3.1 Mental capacity can fluctuate

In Week 1 so far, you have learned about the definition of mental capacity and have started to think about who is affected by it, both directly and indirectly. Mental capacity is however not a static matter. People’s ability to make particular decision one day but not the next, and can then see their mental capacity return the day after. Why is this?

Activity 7 Reasons for fluctuating capacity

Timing: Allow 5 minutes

There are several reasons why a person’s capacity might fluctuate. Look again at your list of people who you considered might be affected by mental capacity that you completed in Activity 4 and try to think about how this capacity might change and for what reason. Add these thoughts to your list as this will help you in the quizzes.

People affected by mental capacity

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How capacity might change

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The reasons why a person’s mental capacity might fluctuate can include the stress of the situation which the person is in, the effects of medication and availability and access to clear information about the decision that has to be made.