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The Scottish Parliament and law making
The Scottish Parliament and law making

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2.2 Commencement of Acts of the UK Parliament

Following the Royal Assent the Act of the UK Parliament will usually come into force on midnight of that date. However there has been a growing trend for Acts of the UK Parliament not to come into force immediately. Instead, the Act itself either states the date when it will commence, or responsibility passes to the appropriate Minister to fix the date when the Act will come into force. In the latter case the Minister will bring the Act into force by issuing a commencement order.

To learn more watch the following video: about/ how/ laws/ [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]

To learn more about the role in the House of Commons in law making: about/ podcasts/ theworkofparliament/ house-of-commons-chamber-film/ making-laws/

To learn more about the work of the UK Parliament watch:

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