3 The Committee System
The way in which the Committee system operates and works is a unique feature of the Scottish Parliament. There are a number of Committees (shown in Box 5) with allocated areas of responsibility. They have between five and fifteen members and scrutinise the work of the Government. They work much more on cross-party lines than do Committees of the UK Parliament. There tends to be much more agreement among MSPs from different parties when they are scrutinising or challenging the Scottish Government’s legislation as it passes through Parliament. The Convenors of the Committees are responsible for organising the meetings. These Convenors are drawn from across the main political parties.
Box 5 Committees of the Scottish Parliament
- Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Relations Committee [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
- Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee
- Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee
- Edinburgh Bakers’ Widows’ Fund Bill Committee
- Education and Skills Committee
- Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee
- Equalities and Human Rights Committee
- Finance and Constitution Committee
- Health and Sport Committee
- Justice Committee
- Justice Sub-Committee on Policing
- Local Government and Communities Committee
- Pow of Inchaffray Drainage Commission (Scotland) Bill Committee
- Public Audit and Post-legislative Scrutiny Committee
- Public Petitions Committee
- Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee
- Social Security Committee
- Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee
You should now watch this short video in which Iain Gray explores the work of the Scottish Parliament and its committees.