5 Summary of Week 6
This week you have further developed your understanding of the tricky topics process by seeing examples of innovating pedagogies and targeted interventions that have been successfully used to overcome specific tricky topics in several different contexts.
You have built on the knowledge you developed in previous weeks by using the learning design skills (from Weeks 4 and 5) in order to design an intervention for the tricky topic you identified and captured (in Weeks 2 to 3).
You should now be able to:
- know what is meant by ‘innovating pedagogies’
- develop understanding of how targeted interventions can be used to overcome tricky topics and their individual stumbling blocks
- begin to create a targeted intervention for a given tricky topic.
Your planned intervention, targeted at overcoming your tricky topic will require evaluation. In Week 7 you will learn the details of how to create the right questions which will fully evaluate your intervention and also how to display the findings from your evaluation in order to best identify progress in individual stumbling blocks of your tricky topic. You can now go to Week 7 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .