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Teaching and learning tricky topics
Teaching and learning tricky topics

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Further reading

If you wish to read more innovating pedagogies, you can read more from the Innovating Pedagogies reports as follows:
Sharples, M., Adams, A., Alozie, N., Ferguson, R., Gaved, M., McAndrew, P., Means, B., Remold, J., Rienties, B., Roschelle, J., Vogt, K., Whitelock, D., Yarnall, L. (2015) Innovating Pedagogy 2015 [Online], Milton Keynes, The Open University. Available at 45319/ 1/ InnovatingPedagogy_2015.pdf [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (Accessed 6 June 2018).
Sharples, M., Adams, A., Ferguson, R., Gaved, M., McAndrew, P., Rienties, B., Weller, M., Whitelock, D. (2014) Innovating Pedagogy 2014 [Online], Milton Keynes, The Open University. Available at sites/ files/ The_Open_University_Innovating_Pedagogy_2014_0.pdf (Accessed 5 June 2018).
Sharples, M., de Roock, R., Ferguson, R., Gaved, M., Herodotou, C., Koh, E., Kukulska-Hulme, A., Looi, C-K., McAndrew, P., Rienties, B., Weller, M., Wong, L. H. (2016) Innovating Pedagogy 2016 [Online], Milton Keynes, The Open University. Available at file/ innovating_pedagogy_2016.pdf (Accessed 6 June 2018).
You may wish to read the following article on the use of digital storytelling in the classroom.
Robin, B. R. (2008) ‘Digital Storytelling: A powerful technology tool for the 21st century classroom’, Theory into Practice, vol. 47, pp. 220–228 [Online]. Available at f/ Digital%2520Storytelling%2520A%2520Powerful.pdf (Accessed 6 June 2018).
If you are interested in developing games-based interventions or find the subject area of this intervention interesting you should read the following articles:
Hart, J., Iacovides, I., Adams, A., Oliveira, M., and Magroudi, M. (2017) ‘Understanding Engagement within the Context of a Safety Critical Game’. To appear in proceedings of the annual ACM Conference CHI Play 2017, New York, NY, USA, ACM [Online]. Available at citation.cfm?doid=3116595.3116633 (Accessed 20 July 2018).
Margoudi, M., Hart, J., Adams, A. and Oliveira, M. (2016) ‘Exploring Emotion Representation to Support Dialogue in Police Training on Child Interviewing’, in Serious Games JCSG 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9894, Springer, pp. 73–86 [Online]. Available at chapter/ 10.1007/ 978-3-319-45841-0_7 (Accessed 20 July 2018).