3.1 Appropriate mark schemes
When you set up your quiz, you will need to decide what marks you give for each question. You may have chosen to have one question which covers more than one stumbling block. Therefore, in order to display your results correctly you will need to assess how much of the mark is appropriate to each stumbling block. It may be simply 50:50 in which case, for a question which covers two stumbling blocks, you could give that question two marks and give one mark for each stumbling block.
However, if it was a more basic question which covered two stumbling blocks you may wish to give it only one mark and have half a mark for each stumbling block. Similarly, you may decide that one of the stumbling blocks was more important in a question than another so you could split the marks appropriately. You must use your professional judgement in setting the mark scheme.
Before doing Activity 2, you may wish to go back to the quiz that you designed in Activity 1 and adjust it. Perhaps you would like to change the way the answers are provided in some way, to help your students to learn from them. Or perhaps you would like to rephrase your questions so they are more meaningful. Or perhaps you would like to think more carefully about which stumbling blocks are covered by each question and whether the marks are appropriate.
Once you are happy with your quiz, do Activity 2. Give your quiz to your students or other people you know.
Activity 2 Test your quiz
Test your quiz that you constructed in Activity 1 out on your students (or colleagues, friends, family). Give it to at least five people if possible.
Ask them to answer the questions and give feedback regarding the wording, marks and which stumbling blocks it addresses. You can use this feedback to edit your quiz.