2.1 Sharing relevant theory and research
If the theory and research in your subject area is significant, how is it currently being shared across the teaching and learning community? If there is no research, or very little research, in your subject area, how can it be developed further? As you saw in Week 1, the theory of threshold concepts is a vibrant academic topic which has been shared widely among researchers across the globe. Tricky topics, and the more practical application of those threshold concept theories, is a very recent phenomenon, and has therefore, not been shared much at all.
How can you share your knowledge of existing theories to your colleagues in your teaching context? Can you share it through a new tricky topics learning community in your organisation?
Activity 4 Sharing tricky topic theory
If there is research/theory in tricky topics in your subject area, write down two things which can help you to share those developments across your colleagues/organisation.
If there is no development in your subject area, write down two things which can help you to improve the situation.