8 Summary of Week 8
This week you have built on your knowledge of tricky topics and learning design that you developed over the previous weeks of this course. You should now have a really good understanding of how to relate the tricky topics and learning design processes to your own context. You should now be able to adapt the tricky topics and learning design processes to develop your own teaching and also to adapt it to the needs of your organisation. You have read about the importance of good leadership, learning communities as well as rating and sharing good practice. You should now have developed your understanding of how to share your knowledge of tricky topics with colleagues, possibly by cultivating a new learning community.
By reflecting on your learning through this course you should have evaluated how far you have come and where you need to go next with tricky topics. This work should help you to develop yourself as a champion for tricky topics and learning design within your community or organisation.
You have learned a lot about how to apply your new skills. This should help you to help your students to succeed but should also prove to be invaluable for your colleagues and your organisation.
You should now be able to:
- relate the tricky topics and learning design processes to your own context
- identify how you can adapt tricky topics and learning design processes for your own teaching and organisational needs
- understand how to share your understanding with colleagues through cultivating a learning community
- develop different approaches to becoming a tricky topics and learning design champion.
Don’t forget to complete and pass the Week 8 quiz to become eligible to earn the badge.