8 End-of-course round up
During this course you have done a lot of work that should have led towards a better understanding of your students’ misunderstandings. You identified tricky topics, broke them down into stumbling blocks and problem examples then, through the problem distiller, you identified why students may have these barriers to understanding.
You then identified and designed an innovative intervention to help students to overcome these barriers. Finally, you have evaluated the effectiveness of this intervention by designing a tricky topic quiz which appropriately measured the success of the intervention to overcome specific stumbling blocks in the tricky topic. You have also learned how to display the findings visually in such a way as to help the students and yourself to identify where further work is needed.
Now you should now be able to help others, within your organisation and elsewhere, to learn from what you have learned. Earlier you saw that platforms such as IRIS Connect provide excellent ways of sharing resources and as we can see in the many ‘what works’ sites, there is already a movement in many organisations to share this type of understanding.
The tricky topics community can support you to share your knowledge appropriately. So, it is time to take the next step. You are a tricky topics champion so begin to share your knowledge of how to overcome tricky topics.
Your work on Teaching and learning tricky topics is now complete, we hope you have enjoyed the course. You are a tricky topics champion! The author team wish you the very best of luck in your future endeavours.