7.1 Back to the soil
Recent technological advances and innovations have allowed a much wider range of microbes to be cultured and novel species and new metabolites to be identified. For example, Activity 7 reveals how teixobactin was discovered in 2015 by a team of scientists in the USA who managed to isolate and culture a previously unidentified soil bacterium. Teixobactin is a new class of antibiotic which is active against Gram-negative but not Gram-positive bacteria (Ling et al., 2015).
Activity 7 Discovering teixobactin
First, listen to the interview with Dr Kim Lewis, leader of the research team who discovered teixobactin.
Transcript: Audio 2 Discovery of teixobactin.
Now put the steps below in the correct order to match the culturing technique described by Dr Lewis.
Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.
Collect soil sample
Mix diluted soil sample with agar
Sandwich sample between
semi-permeable membranes Place diffusion chamber in soil
Remove diffusion chamber from soil
Select colonies and grow in a Petri dish
Screen for ability to make antibiotics
Assess compounds for
efficacy and usefulness
- 1 = a
- 2 = c
- 3 = e
- 4 = d
- 5 = b
- 6 = h
- 7 = g
- 8 = f
What are the advantages of this new technique?
It re-creates the normal growing conditions of the bacteria, allowing them to be successfully cultivated. The recovery rate by this method is 50% compared with only 1% of cells from soil samples cultured on a Petri dish (Ling et al., 2015).