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Everyday English 1
Everyday English 1

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3.1 Look Say Cover Write Check

This is one of the most basic and common methods used to improve spelling. It does not work for everybody, but no method does. This one can be very powerful when learning spellings.

Activity 14 Look Say Cover Write Check

Timing: Allow about 10 minutes

Think of three words that you know you have difficulty spelling correctly and find the correct spelling for each one.

Now follow the Look Say Cover Write Check process for each word: look at it; read it a few times and say it carefully and clearly three times; cover it over so you cannot see it (don’t cheat!); write it out; check it. Repeat this three times for each word.


This method can be very effective when focused on key words that you need to spell. Often it can take more than one session to really get the correct spelling to stick in your memory. So it will be worth doing this activity, with your three words, again over the next few days.