3 Playtime supervisors
In the interview with Daniel and Isla, and in the reading ‘Football pitches and Barbie dolls’, you heard children express their likes and dislikes about their school playground and playtimes.
If you were an adult playtime supervisor in the playground, how would you use this information to make playtime a better experience for more children?
Activity 5 The views of two playtime supervisors
Now you’ll hear two playtime supervisors give their views.
In the video, Jackie Pratt and Carole Lowry talk about what they do as playtime supervisors and the learning environment in the playground that they try to provide. As you watch and listen, notice their shared approach to their jobs, how they organise play activities for the children, and how they relate to the children and to each other. How do they use observation and listening in their jobs?
Please note that the video contains some still images alongside the audio and some children’s faces have been blurred to protect their identities.

Transcript: Video 4
The two playtime supervisors talk about how they observe children’s moods and feelings as they come out of the classrooms for playtime. They adjust their playtime plans and activities based on their observations. They encourage children to participate, share and respect one another. They emphasise that children must trust the adults in the playground and see the adults as impartial and fair.
Next, you’ll look at playground design.