9 Bringing it all together: how can you help manage burnout?
As you reach the end of this course, this section provides an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned about the experience of burnout and what you can do to help manage burnout in your environment.
Activity 8 Reflection
Using the following questions as prompts, reflect on how what you have learned on this course will affect your future practice.
- Will your interactions with any athletes or coaches experiencing burnout change as a result of studying this course? If so, in what way?
- What actions might you now take to help prevent burnout?
- What actions might you take to help individuals recovering from burnout?
- What are the key lessons that you have learned about burnout experiences and the risk of burnout?
Reflecting like this is a useful way to consider how what you have learned in this course can be applied to your everyday life. Hopefully, the course has led you to better understand burnout experiences as being beyond just physical exhaustion. You may have reflected on how you can integrate more sport psychology into your practice in your professional role (as a coach or instructor) or as a parent, or you may have thought about the need to include a sport psychologist in your professional network.