3 Time, timetables and average speed
Calculating with time is often seen as tricky, not surprising really considering how difficult it can be to learn how to tell the time. The reason many people find calculating with time tricky is because, unlike nearly every other mathematical concept, it does not work in 10s. Time works in 60s – 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour. You cannot therefore, simply use your calculator to add on or subtract time.
Think about this simple example. If it’s 9:50 and your bus takes 20 minutes to get to work, you cannot work out the time you will arrive by doing 950 + 20 on your calculator. This would give you an answer of 970 or 9:70 – there isn’t such a time!
You will need to calculate with time and use timetables in daily life to complete basic tasks such as: getting to work on time, working out which bus or train to catch, picking your children up from school on time, cooking and so many other daily tasks.