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Everyday maths 2
Everyday maths 2

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3.1 Features of a bar chart

Regardless of which type of bar chart you are drawing, there are certain features that all charts should have. Look at the diagram below to learn what they are.

Described image
Figure _unit4.3.2 Figure 4 Features of a bar chart

Activity _unit4.3.1 Activity 3: Drawing a bar chart

Draw a bar chart to represent the information shown in the table below.

Table _unit4.3.1 Table 6
Leisure centre users
January February March April
Male 175 154 120 165
Female 205 178 135 148


Your bar chart should look something like the example below. You may have chosen to use a different scale but your chart should have the following features:

  • a title

  • labels on both the horizontal and vertical axes

  • bars labelled with the month

  • accurately drawn bars of the same width

  • a numbered scale on the vertical axis

  • a key to show which bars are for males and which are for females.

Described image
Figure _unit4.3.3 Figure 5 A bar chart showing numbers of leisure centre users

Now that you understand the features of bar charts and are able to draw them, let’s look at how to interpret the information they show.