4.1 Improving the lives of people with severe or profound learning disabilities
What other things might help to improve the lives of people who have higher support needs?
Activity 4 Changing society?
Let’s go back to the question about changing society, this time with a focus on people with severe or profound learning disabilities.
Watch Video 5, about Marvin, narrated by his mum. Then consider what changes to society could improve Marvin’s quality of life by answering the poll below.

Transcript: Video 5
Click the link below to vote for the change you think would most improve Marvin’s quality of life
Link: Changing society? [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
Once you have submitted your choice you can then see how others have voted.
In this section you have thought about supporting people who are not able to tell us what would make their lives full and enjoyable, and how the social model of disability might apply to them.
In the next section you will learn how many people have a learning disability and where they live.