2.3 Life in St Lawrence's hospital
Mabel spent many years in St Lawrence’s hospital. In Video 5 in the next activity you will hear her describe her life there.
Activity 4 Living in St Lawrences
Watch the video below and note down the contrasts Mabel makes between her life at St Lawrence’s and her life in her own home.
Transcript: Video 5
Mabel noted that in hospital she had no privacy or even her own clothes. She described it as being like a prison and noted how she was ‘pulled about’. The most significant contrast Mabel found between her life at St Lawrence’s and her life in her own home was being able to choose what to wear.
Mabel finally left St Lawrence’s in the 1970s. She died in 2013. You will return to Mabel’s story later in this session, but you will now meet Bernie, born only seven years later than Mabel, but whose life took a different turn.