Looking backwards, looking forwards
In Session 1 you started to look at your own roles, skills and qualities. The key point here was that by reflecting on our experiences, we learn something from them that helps us to move forward.
Session 2 has shown how drawing a timeline is useful in terms of plotting what happened and when, and how we feel about these experiences; what we’ve learned from them and how they’ve helped to shape us as a person.
You have been looking back at your experiences of life, or a period of your life. Claire’s and Christine’s timelines illustrated that there are ups and downs, and that other factors have influenced their timelines.
Activity 2.4 Influences and choices
In the next session you will be looking forward, and exploring the factors that influence the choices you make about your future. To start you thinking about the factors that influence your life, have a look at Figure 2.7. This spider diagram is a graphic way of illustrating connections.
Thinking about the range of factors in your life that influence your choices about the future, try drawing a spider diagram for yourself on Activity sheet 2.4 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] provided.
Go to Activity 2.4 of your Reflection Log. Once you have completed the activity, make sure you save the document again.