Using the course

There is a range of ways in which this course can be used. For example, you can work through these activities on your own or with a mentor, or in a group with a facilitator. If you are working in a face-to-face group, for instance, you might work on one session at a time over a number of weeks. You can also share your comments and ideas with others online, through Facebook for example.
If at any point you feel the course has brought difficult emotions, then you can visit [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] to find out where your nearest local support service is or to talk to someone online.
A statement about confidentiality
When people reflect together this can make it easier to discuss things and you can get ideas from each other. But members of the group need to have confidence in each other and need to be committed to respecting each other’s ideas, beliefs and experiences. They must agree to do this and also not to discuss outside the group anything that members say. No member ever needs to discuss anything that they do not want to talk about. Each one decides what they want to contribute.
If you are working through this course in a group, either online or face to face, take some time now to agree the rules you will follow to respect each other and ensure confidentiality.
Session 1: Defining myself and how I feel about my present situation