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The growth in social networking sites and technologies such as mobile phones has led to a type of bullying known as ‘cyberbullying’. The use of the internet as a vehicle for bullying is now widely acknowledged and schools often include cyberbullying within their policies on bullying.

Activity 6

Timing: Allow about 20 minutes

Watch this YouTube video, Let’s fight it together, in which a young person describes what it is like to be subjected to cyberbullying.

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As you watch, think about the following two questions and make a note of your responses:

1. What incident triggered the bullying of Joe?

2. What methods did Joe’s peers use to bully him?

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  1. What seemed to trigger the bullying was Joe answering a question in class. Some of his friends/peers may have not understood the question and perhaps became jealous of him or the praise he received from the teacher.
  2. The bullies sent messages by text, phone and email. They also used a networking site to post unfavourable images.

Cyberbullying in its extreme has been linked to a number of suicides in young people. The UK is not exempt from this and the government has produced short films like the video above to generate awareness and understanding of the nature and outcomes of cyberbullying.

The Childline website [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] is a resource for young people who are worried about themselves or someone else who is being bullied. It is also a useful resource for parents/carers and other adults working with children and young people. You might find it useful to make a note of this link for future reference.

If you are interested in exploring the issue of children with SEN who are bullied, the Anti-Bullying Alliance run free online training that you can work through at your own pace. Each topic will take you about half an hour to complete and you can select the topics you are interested in.

Further details for the free online training for professionals can be found on the Anti-Bullying Alliance website. You will need to sign up to access the training, but this is free to do. You can register/sign in for the training via the sign-in link: users/ sign_in.