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Introducing social work: a starter kit
Introducing social work: a starter kit

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4.5 Examples of groups

  • Social groups: These could include a gardening group in a mental health day-centre, a newspaper-reading group in a residential home for older people, or a general discussion group in a group-home for learning disabled adults.
  • Educational groups: Managing money for young people leaving care, or a preparation group for individuals moving from a long-stay mental health hospital into the community.
  • Casework/remedial groups: issues linked to offending such as victim awareness or drug-related crime; or a group for children who have witnessed domestic violence.
  • Therapeutic groups: to help with anxiety and depression, self-esteem, bereavement, or identity problems.
  • Self-help and community-based groups: Alcoholics Anonymous, diabetes, brain-injury, parent/toddler groups, lobby-groups for local service improvements such as homelessness or disability.

Finally, watch this short clip of Mark Doel summarising his views about groupwork

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