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Leadership challenges in turbulent times
Leadership challenges in turbulent times

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In this free course, Leadership challenges in turbulent times, you have explored some of the challenges that surround leadership in a changing and complex world. More particularly, you have looked at how to deal with leadership challenges and how to make use of inclusivity and diversity. You have also discussed the meaning and importance of collaboration in general and in relation to leadership, exploring how leadership can achieve positive-sum outcomes in turbulent and precarious times through collaboration.

Key points

  • A core skill of leaders and of leadership practice is to decide on which of the many challenges facing organisations and communities to focus on and to understand the nature of those leadership challenges.

  • Since it is quite common to lead people from different backgrounds, ethnicities or cultures, leadership must be expressed through inclusion and diversity. Developing a culture of inclusiveness and harnessing diversity allows leaders to use differences and go beyond established boundaries to deal with leadership challenges.

  • Collaboration is an important strategy for leadership as it enables leaders to bring people together and seek the best way to achieve aims or solutions to problems. Despite the different games at play in every organisation, community or team, leadership should aim to achieve positive-sum games (a win/win scenario that increases resources for all players) and this can be accomplished through collaboration.

This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course B329 Leadership in a changing world [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .