Money & Business
Pwysigrwydd sgiliau rhyngbersonol
Er mwyn llwyddo fel rheolwr, mae angen sgiliau rhyngbersonol da arnoch, mae angen i chi ddeall sut i ymdrin â phobl eraill. Bydd yr uned hon yn eich helpu i feithrin ymwybyddiaeth o'ch sgiliau ac i ddeall y gall ymwybyddiaeth o sgiliau rhyngbersonol pobl eraill fod o gymorth mawr i ni wrth ymdrin â'r tasgau gwaith rydym yn gyfrifol ...
Money & Business
Introduction to bookkeeping and accounting
Learn about the essential numerical skills required for accounting and bookkeeping. This free course, Introduction to bookkeeping and accounting, explains the fundamental rules of double-entry bookkeeping and how they are used to produce the balance sheet and the profit and loss account.
Money & Business
Effective communication in the workplace
This free course, Effective communication in the workplace, explores the importance of communication as a skill in the workplace. It aims to increase your understanding of communication skills and to help you to consider how your communication could be perceived by others. You'll cover areas such as verbal and non-verbal communication, written ...
Money & Business
Leadership challenges in turbulent times
Welcome to Leadership challenges in turbulent times, a free course offered by the Open University. We are excited to join you on your journey to explore leadership in the turbulent times that we live in.
Money & Business
Collaborative leadership in voluntary organisations
This free course, Collaborative leadership in voluntary organisations, will help you to reflect on and develop collaborative leadership practices that will make a difference. The course is aimed at people who work within voluntary organisations as paid staff or as volunteers or for people who work regularly with voluntary organisations, such as ...
Money & Business
Developing leadership practice in voluntary organisations
This free course, Developing leadership practice in voluntary organisations, provides an opportunity for people who work within voluntary organisations, as paid employees or staff, to develop energetic, practical and thoughtful leadership practice.
Health, Sports & Psychology
Розуміння проблем психічного здоров'я
За останнє століття відбулися радикальні зміни у реакції на людей, які мають проблеми з психічним здоров’ям. У цьому безкоштовному курсі «Осмислення проблем психічного здоров’я» ви дізнаєтесь про те, як ключові погляди в цій галузі сприяли осмисленню проблем психічного здоров’я людини. Безпосередньо пов’язуючи основні точки зору з тематичним ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Making sense of mental health problems
Over the past century there has been a radical shift in responses to people who experience mental health problems. In this free course, Making sense of mental health problems, you will learn about how key perspectives in the field have made sense of mental health problems. By directly relating key perspectives to a case study, you will reflect ...
Health, Sports & Psychology
Exploring issues in women's health
This free course, Exploring issues in women's health, will introduce social model approaches to health and wellbeing, which take as their starting point not the scientific context of the body, but the social context in which women live. The focus is on women and the impact of social and cultural factors on women's health. The course touches...
Money & Business
Entrepreneurship – from ideas to reality
This free course, Entrepreneurship: from ideas to reality, is about starting and running your own business. Using case studies it will take you through the decisions from generating initial ideas through to deciding what you will do and how to establish your business and grow it. It will guide you through business models, funding options, ...
Money & Business
Defnyddio gwaith gwirfoddol i gamu ymlaen yn y farchnad swyddi
Mae'r cwrs hon yn ystyried i sut y gall ymgymryd â gwaith gwirfoddol wella eich cyfleoedd cyflogaeth.
Money & Business
Managing my money
This free course, Managing my money, allows you to gain the skills to manage your personal finances: managing budgets, debts, investments, property purchase, pensions and insurance.