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Taking part in the voluntary sector

Updated Tuesday, 2 August 2016
This course is for people who are interested in being involved or progressing in the voluntary sector.

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Taking part in the voluntary sector is an introductory course for people who are considering volunteering or would like to progress within the voluntary sector. The course will also be relevant to those such as donors, supporters or carers who have involvement with voluntary organisations. The course will help you to develop a better understanding of the role and scope of the voluntary sector and the opportunities it may offer. 


If you are interested in studying this course, visit the course website here

This course is one of six free online courses that are produced in collaboration with the Social Partnerships Network. On completion of the course, you will receive a number of digital badges that you can display on your social media profiles. To check out other free courses in this collection, please visit the Social Partnerships Network badged open courses portal


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