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Neither land nor sea

Updated Thursday, 25 July 2013
This Learning Journey explores the challenges of liminal living in an Indonesian archipelago.

This page was published over 11 years ago. Please be aware that due to the passage of time, the information provided on this page may be out of date or otherwise inaccurate, and any views or opinions expressed may no longer be relevant. Some technical elements such as audio-visual and interactive media may no longer work. For more detail, see how we deal with older content.

This Learning Journey considers the challenges to liminal living in an archipelago north of the Sulawesi mainland in Indonesia. From this point on we'll refer to it simply as 'the archipelago'.

Liminal zones are inshore reef areas which are neither land nor sea. They are the oft-overlooked places. The communities in the liminal zones of the archipelago are both remote and yet at the same time at the heart of things that matter in a global sense, particularly with regard to the impacts of climate change. 

Human beings are as much a part of this environment and landscape as are the sea and the mountains. This Learning Journey explores the multiple interrelationships between the coast and the people of the archipelago. It does this through supporting text, images and other materials. It focuses on the residents of one small island, Nain Pulau (Nain Island), providing some insights into liminal living and looking at the livelihood strategy of seaweed farming. 

The images and video come from an expedition to the area in 2012 made up entirely of women who travelled to the archipelago by sea kayak. The expedition team also share some of their reflections on coastal lives and livelihoods throughout the Learning Journey.

The learning outcomes of this Learning Journey are:

  • Understand the challenges of liminal living
  • Appreciate the utility of seaweed farming as a sustainable resource for islanders
  • Recognise the versatility of seaweed as a global commodity
  • Synthesise evidence from different mediums
  • Reflect on your own experience and locate yourself in this learning journey

The Learning Journey will take approximately 6 hours to work through. It's broken into short sections like this, so there are lots of natural stopping points if you want to pause and come back to it later.

This Learning Journey is part of the Creative Climate project on OpenLearn. Move to the next part of the journey.


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