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Toomas Panker's OpenLearn Profile

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Profile: Toomas Panker

Toomas Panker


I was born on april 28. 1976, in Tallinn (Soviet)Estonia in family of emplyees with three children I was the youngest. My educational carreer was begin in seccondary school no 7 Tallinn, this was an English language school, there i couldlearn 1 year only, because that to me was happened a traffic accident after graduating class the first. Consequence acident I harmed my brain and I could not to continue my learning in this school. On year 1985 I was started my learning at home. Teachers went at home to me and tech me by program of normal school. on year 1992 I went to Correspondenc Seccondary School Tallinnthere I could to go on 3 days of week and I was done secondary school graduateing exames and got leaving license full value. on yead 2008 I was started my learning in vocational rehabilitation centreAstangu on course AO (Computer skylls). and learnings in this course was broken off on spring 2009 because my failure in Access databases. on spring 2015 I was registrated on course BT 15, this meens Office Workers Course. And to me took to this course. My learnings was sucessful ther untill spring 2017 my learnings there was came anendbecause of exclusion. I am person with limited competitive abylities, my limities are my memory, my bad short time memory etc. My skylls are mostly related with office workers proffesion. I was learnt office workers proffession in Wacationalrehabilitatione Centre Astangu Tallinn, Office workers proffession. But my learnings on this course was came to an end too soon, on spring 2017, because that I was advanced in specialty subjects. My main problems are conected with my memory, it is the reason why I am falling in several things.